Individual snowboard lessons

Become a snowboard pro

The quick and safe way to become a professional snowboarder: book a private snowboard course and enjoy individual coaching for yourself, your whole family or together with friends.

Whether you are a beginner, expert or freestyler – experience this great riding experience and the very special kick! Private lessons guarantee the fastest possible learning success!

Private lessons at the Ski School Mayrhofen 3000 offer the fastest way to success!

Snowboardschule Mayrhofen 3000 Zillertal

Prices Private Lessons

2 hours

3 hours

Prices in € per day
€ 194,-
€ 269,-
each additional person
€ 34,-
€ 34,-

1 hour

4 hours

Prices in € per day
€ 103,-
€ 332,-
each additional person
€ 34,-
€ 34,-


Lesson objective safe and controlled driving on blue slopes


Our snowboard instructors start where you currently are with your skills. We work on your riding technique and train you to perfection.


Freestyle courses are offered by our highly trained snowboard instructors in the “PenkenPark” fun park.


Learn To Ride

We are an official partner of the BURTON “Learn To Ride” program!

Learning success

Fast learning and maximum learning success


Flexible course start times


Course units completely tailored to your ability

Learning with purpose

Targeted promotion of strengths and elimination of weaknesses

Our tip

As many guests book their private snowboard instructor well in advance, early booking is an advantage.

Play Video about Snowboardschule Mayrhofen 3000 Zillertal


Our ski instructors speak a variety of different languages!

Course times 3h

09.00 – 12.00 / 13.00 – 16.00

Course times 2h

09.00 – 11.00 / 10.00 – 12.00 / 11.00 – 13.00 / 13.00 – 15.00 / 13.30 – 15.30

Course start

Daily or by arrangement

Meeting point

10 minutes before the start of the course at the respective assembly point of the Ski School Mayrhofen 3000 at the Penkenbahn or Ahornbahn mountain station in Mayrhofen. More info!

4h courses

Only on request

1h courses

Only on request